Dr. Jude Ä Mason
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


The sunken place…

I have been there mate, I never knew what it was called before I was diagnosed but the best way to describe it is silent desperation. Ye explains it perfectly here. ADD overwhelm meets quiet borderline meets mixed bipolar a sort of uneasy intermittently lethargic then frenetic chaos in mood, thought, and energy fluctuations. Aka: The Sunken Place. Shout out to Ye and @moonneon on YouTube #bipolarlife #creativegenius

MŪZïQRx™ music heals the broken soul.

By faith, I emancipated myself from the sunken place.

To my fellow #bipolar peach arch warriors,

Can you break it down into what you are sensing in your body and what you are thinking in your mind? Write those down while taking deep breaths. That helps take your mind out of the distress mode and makes your mood a little bit more manageable. Look at the list you made. Are there any actions steps you can take to alleviate your depression, anxiety, fear, overwhelm etc etc? If there are can you take one small action step? If not, what is the smallest most loving thing you can do to feel even one iota better in this moment. Hot bath with some dope soul music and a scented candle? A walk to the park? An episode of Seinfeld? Just strive for the next better feeling, not grasping for 100% better all in one step. That’s what I do when I’m in that sunken place.

Knowledge is power but trauma without revelation is insanity.

Never stop asking ŸY 🧬

Never stop chasing AHA! 💡

Namaste • Alamdulillah • Shalom 🙏🏽


Dr. Jude

Semper Impavida, Ex Aequo Et Bono. Pax, Lux Et Veritas en Deus Ex Machina 🕊📖 🖊

Bālãnçï™ |. Press Kit Signature | Life is short. water. sun. eat. pray. love. Find dope music and dance. l.i.v.e well🧬 • Bālãnçï ™💎. Thanks so much for inviting me into your network! I truly appreciate the connection. Perhaps Bālãnçï ™ will have occasion to collaborate with you in some capacity in days to come. Namaste•Alamdulillah•Shalom🙏🏽. Love, Jude. #bipolarlife #bipolarbossanova #yearof44 #therevelationofjude #justanothermanicmommy #peacearchwarrior #bipolaranddoingitonherown #bipolarbeliever #neurodiversity Is #diversity #ownyourhealth. #mentalhealth Is #wealth. #brainhealthmatters #endmentalhealthprivilege #whathappenedtoyou. #shecantbreathe #covid20. Never stop asking ŸY 🧬. Never stop chasing AHA💡. Knowledge is power and trauma without revelation is insanity. l.i.v.e well. 🧬 Be. In Bālãnçï ™💎. All synergistic partnership inquiries welcome. DrAnalieseMasonJude@aya.yale.edu. BālãnçïMD@Gmail.Com DrJudeMason@gmail.com. DrJudeAMason@medium.com. clubhouse.com/@drjudeamason https://link.medium.com/kid5pnpNdnb. Semper Impavida, Ex Aequo Et Bono. Pax, Lux Et Veritas en Deus Ex Machina 🕊📖 🖊.



Dr. Jude Ä Mason

Jude IZ ā luminary • innovator • visionary • emissary • metaphysician • metacognician • just another manic mommy chasing ŸY🧬 somewhere over Bālãnçï ™💎