Dr. Jude Ä Mason
4 min readJan 14, 2022

Things we need to leave in 2021…


#Bitter isn’t a good look, sis. It never was. Let. It. Go. Why are you so salty auntie? This is a curse in the culture. No cap. Whatever the $hit is, let it go and move on. Aim to be blessed, boundaried, and unbothered. If more people zealously pursued purpose and personal bliss there would be a whole lot more bliss and a lot less bitter.

Bitterness is what happens when you have “facts” without discernment. When you have law without grace, justice without mercy. That will never lead to truth. Institutional biases are real. Thought distortions are real. Generational This is textbook psychological abuse by attachment trauma and the alienation of children from a perfectly safe parent due to UNaddressed personality disorders in families resulting from hundreds to thousands of years of family secrets and UNnacknowledged intergenerational attachment trauma from overt psychological abuse or neglect. This why #MentalHealthAwareness is so important especially in at risk communities of color and immigrant communities.

This toxic mother actually believes her own lies, but what the lie detector is picking up the bitterness she feels towards that man. Bitterness is nothing but unforgiveness of self. Bitterness is the result of not being able or willing to do the fearless inventory of your soul and take accountability for the fact that you picked an ain’t shit dude because of your own brokenness and instead of just acknowledge that take accountability and responsibility for that change your mindset and move on you keep punishing yourself with your bitterness and unforgiveness and punishing your children for the ain’t $hit dude you picked and the reasons you picked him…And if you can’t forgive yourself for your past relational mistakes, you can’t forgive anyone else around you. Bitter makes you old. Bitter makes you ugly on the inside far earlier than you get ugly on the outside. But it will make you ugly on the inside and you’ll bleed out that toxicity on everyone around you, most of your flying monkey enablers ain’t tell you but I am come to tell you the truth. You better let that thing Madea’, big mama, Nana, Gigi. Bitterness is nothing then the refusal to acknowledge a fundamental truths of life which is that the rain falls on the just and the unjust we all go through things we all make mistakes we all fall down some of us stay down some of us get back up dust ourselves off and see you tomorrow is another day and I’m a get it right I’m a do better tomorrow than I did today I will not be utterly cast down Because a righteous man fall seven times and gets up eight. Bitterness is not letting go of the pain of your unmet expectations. You have to grief that sis and MOVE ON. We all wish we had made different choices no matter what in life maybe in relationships or in career or in the friends we chose were dropping out of school or getting pregnant for staying in that situation ship for too long or whatever you know turning tricks on the street or selling drugs whatever we all have a past. Repentance is a license change your mind to get it right tomorrow to reap your preferred future. None of us in this in this life is entitled to anything more than that, and none of us in this life owes anybody anything other than brotherly love as described in the Word.

There is nothing uglier than a bitter old woman who is past her prime in terms looks, of influence, or fame, or charisma, or wealth. A bitter woman is a silly woman who just got old got, but never got wise. A faded Jezebel, Hollywood starlet, a Mommy Dearest, who mama has deceived her own self with her lies and delusions of grandeur or long suffering. And there is nothing worse than a person who won’t even tell themselves the truth.

That person will blame shift, project, gaslight, backpeddle and pu$$ypop themselves out of every situation.

These covert emotional manipulatirs often uses their children as pawns and weapons. She alienated her children against that man *on a WHOLE demonic lie* That is emotional abuse, like as in meets the DSM IV Criteria for psychological abuse of a child according to early child psychologist Dr. Craig Childress. These pathogenic parents rarely if ever fully take accountability for the pain and trauma their behavior has caused their children. This woman is totally numb to the untold levels of pain her own unhealed trauma has caused her daughters. This is the devastation an unchecked personality disorder can cause. The Word calls it a *strong delusion* which will take over those who refuse to forgive. Reprobate in their narcissist need to be right. For vengeance. For control. For the sake of pure wrath. I freed myself from the pain of a parent like this using the Word. Like Kendrick, I ain’t about a religion. Yah will not prosper you in this life if you can’t make like Elsa and LET. IT. GO.

PS. I’m long winded AF #sorrynotsorry😂

He that has an ear let him hear.

Shalom Alhamdulilah Namaste

Semper Impavida, Ex Aequo Et Bono. Pax, Lux Et Veritas en Deus Ex Machina 💡🕊📖


Dr JudeQ&Ä

















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Dr. Jude Ä Mason

Jude IZ ā luminary • innovator • visionary • emissary • metaphysician • metacognician • just another manic mommy chasing ŸY🧬 somewhere over Bālãnçï ™💎